Any guesses as to which member of our family was NOT wearing their Jazz jersey yesterday? I'll give you one wasn't me! I sincerely believe that's why they lost, Tyler. Where is your sense of team spirit? Yes siree, I had mine on (well, it wasn't on ALL day, but I did have it on at Costco and got quite a few looks and some shout outs!) I did all I could. But, still no "W"
We've still got tomorrow's home game. Which, who knows, maybe I'll be surprised with tickets again. I think it's more likely that I'll be surprised with a five o'clock call Friday afternoon. On the other end, after some small talk, I'll hear,
"So, what are we doing tonight?"
Me: "Ummm, I haven't made any plans"
Caller: "Umhm."
Caller: "Oh, Will has tickets to the game tonight. Do you care if I go? I mean, I don't have to go if you want to get a babysitter and go do something else. I'd really like to go, but I don't have to. It's no big deal."
Deafening Silence
Disgruntled me: "Whatever. It doesn't matter to me."
Caller: "Ok, I'll be home after the game."
Disgruntled me "Fine." (profanity muttered under my breath as I hang up the phone)
And that's how it usually goes down.
I will say though, out of sheer love for my husband that I am now routing for the Jazz because I know how much it means to him. I mean, who knows what Tyler's life will be like if they win the championship. I'll leave it at that and let your mind imagine the possibilities.