We quickly called Big Steve as our only option for a Sunday babysitter, and after some unmentionable name calling out of jealousy, he agreed to watch our eldest two yea-hoos. We got the family dressed and ready in record speed and were off to the game! It was a great game and the seats were spectacular. We were sitting amongst many of the girlfriends/mistresses of the players, so we were in good company. Kim and I didn't get the memo that it was "come half-naked day" though. WE settled for our Korver jerseys which was our little mom's day BONUS!
I must admit, that, I thoroughly enjoyed myself despite the fact that poor Nash was being subjected to insanely loud noise and losing hearing by the second (after some mild training in the field of audiology, I pictured the tiny cilia in his cochlea melting as they tried to combat the intense decibel levels. He can blame me when he's in his 60's for his noise-induced hearing loss) But, believe it or not after Nash's initial shock of the noise level, he feel asleep and slept for the ENTIRE game! He was voted MVP by those in Portal "F" section 6.

Sadly, I did not get a priceless quote from Tyler during this game, mainly because I really couldn't hear anything ANYone was saying. I still have ringing in my ears, but it was all worth it.
one team one dream
Side note: please take a look at Sydney's new hula performance down there. i got a much better taping of it last night. She's goin' places I tell ya.
***Correction from previous blog: the last time I actually watched the Jazz was many years ago when they were good. Their colors then were purple and teal. Apparently they have since realized the atrocity and changed it to baby and navy blue. much, much better.
Side note: please take a look at Sydney's new hula performance down there. i got a much better taping of it last night. She's goin' places I tell ya.
So on Sunday do they start with a word of prayer. (Sorry I just had to throw that in as I giggle).
Okay, and the hula hooping...that is an absolute scream! I cannot believe it. She truly is a star.
oh and one more thing...sheer disappointment from Tyler I was holding on for a great quote, and Baby Nash looks like a stud in those yellow ear plugs!
Paige paige...you lyrical genius you! Stefano and I were enjoying our breakfast as we looked at blogs....hilarious my friend hilarious! YOU ARE the most funny person in all the land!! Loves it I tell you loves it! You should come to Texas and visit me:D!!!!!the end.
lovin' the earplugs on Nash, Paige. I can't believe they stayed in and that he slept the whole game. I'm sure it will be his first of MANY Jazz games ...
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