
The tooth, the whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth...

****Tyler and I cannot wait to go see this movie!!! Maybe we will get some pointers on how to be better fairies.****

Yesterday, Tyler gingerly yanked Trace's baby tooth out of his mouth because the permanent one was already coming in behind it. To assuage his pain, we reminded Trace that the tooth fairy would be coming to bring him a surprise in exchange for his nasty tooth (who thought up this tradition anyway?).

Anyhow, this made him feel much better about the whole traumatic incident, and he was already dreaming up all the possible surprises he could imagine. It was actually a disappointment when I reminded him the "surprise" was probably going to be monetary.

When Trace awoke this morning, to his surprise, his delicate, decaying, 6-year old tooth was still under his pillow! Eeeeek!

Luckily, Tyler is quick on his feet and taught Trace a very valuable lesson: The tooth fairy does not work on Sunday.

Good thing Tyler was the first one on the scene today. I might have told Trace the tooth fairy does not donate money for inadequately brushed teeth.

Side Note: As I was searching for the image above, I noticed that this movie received sub-par reviews. SHOCKER!


hOLLIANN said...

Seriously,,,,,you make me laugh so hard! That is too funny. Although, maybe if Tyler/Tooth Fairy paid on Sunday, that would qualify for a deduction on your tithing. Next time!

Erin said...

That Tyler. He is known for his quick thinking and unusual speediness.

[Morgan] said...

HAH! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
the tooth fairy doesn't work on sundays! that's the best thing i've ever heard. so clever you two are!

Melanie said...


Way to go Tyler! (I would have said the same thing as you Paige. Not very quick, am I?? I think I'm far too practical.)

Saedi said...

You seriously kill me! I'm always having to read your blog to Dan so he can see how hilarious you are! Congratulations to Trace! And Congratulations to Tyler, for being so quick-witted!!!

Megano said...

I love that you posted 'the tooth, the whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth. I can't imagine that this would be sub par.... I simply don't believe it. This movie can be nothing less then a captivating. Not to mention the staring actor "the rock" who's acting abillities rally the likes of denzel or george cloony. Wow this comment has draged on.
this is all.

The Andersen Adventures said...

I'll have to remember that the Tooth Fairy doesn't break the sabbath so that she/he reamins consistent!