
It has been 11 glorious years

of marital bliss. Oh, how I adore a cheesy, lovey dovey post, but I'm going to somewhat spare you of that for now.

Instead, you get this:

The "Do's" and "Don'ts" of, my man, Tyler...

DO pick up Tyler's socks and shoes regularly. Otherwise, they will never be worn again.

DON'T loan Tyler tools. They will never be found, plus we all know he's not actually using them.

DO talk to Tyler...he's a great communicator, a rare find in a guy.

DON'T plan to be on time if Tyler has not showered yet.

DO edit Tyler's letters and memoirs for spelling and punctuation, which is optional to Tyler.

DON'T put Tyler on a budget.

DO let Tyler read to the kids at night.

DON'T root against the Jazz or BYU. I don't even want to imagine what would Tyler's life would be like if that happened.

DO remember to ASK Tyler to help around the house. He will gladly do any chores, IF ASKED.

DON'T let Tyler go to Costco alone unless you need an excessive amount of canned beets and creamed corn.

DO, however, let Tyler sell corn. It's a unique talent given to only a few.

DON'T remind Tyler that you've already heard that story. He's going to tell you anyway.

DO laugh at Tyler's jokes--most of them are pretty funny, especially the first time around.

DON'T feel bad if your knowledge of useless sports facts is sub-par when compared to Tyler's. Everyone's is.

DO catch Tyler in a lie about a white Nike jumpsuit. What's up white shadow?

DON'T eat out at Mexican, Chinese, or Italian restaurants. Meat and potatoes only.

DO cover your ears when Tyler sneezes. Trace & Sydney already do...which leads me to the next one...

DON'T let Tyler forget his allergy meds in the spring, summer or fall.

DO watch movies with Tyler while devouring a pint of pineapple coconut ice cream.

DON'T debate Tyler. You will lose, miserably, and begin to question what your point was in the first place.

And, the most important one of all...

DO let Tyler go on bro-mantic trips 3 times per year (minimum). This will be the only reason I can get away with this post.

Love ya & have fun baby!


Saedi said...

Congratulations!!! I loved this! Tyler is such a funny guy. I need to hear the whole story behind the white track suit.....

Julie and Kyle said...

love the post! happy anniversary!

hOLLIANN said...

Still laughing at the last one! I miss living by you guys...you two are perfect together...too funny!

Melanie said...


I can totally relate to the Costco comment. Only instead of corn and beets Brad brings home gallons of whatever is being taste-tested that day. :)

By the way, I may steal your anniversary post idea. Much more fun than a mushy post!!