
My husband, the loser

That's right people, Tyler lost 30 lbs in 12 weeks!

If you see him at the gym or Subway, make sure you give him a congratulatory thumbs-up.

Way to go baby!


Saedi said...

That is so awesome! Way to go Tyler! Paige, you kill me. The gym and subway, you are the best.

Unknown said...

So that's how you do it...I have been trying desperately to lose this last 15 lbs of baby weight...but ummm, I have not stepped in a gym and I eat pretty much around the clock since I'm still nursing...wow, you mean you actually have to eat good and excercise...and to think I was a PE teacher! Way to go Tyler, maybe I'll follow in his footsteps...soon! Ellie is almost 8 months old...I thought for sure I'd have lost it all by now...oh well, I'm old and flabby!

paige said...

You always look great Lori! Can't wait to see you in a few weeks.

PS--My mom warned me that when I turned 30 my metabolism would change. Good thing I'm not 30 anymore. Whew.

Erin said...

Wahoo!!!!! H.O.T.