
Corn Widow Dialogues

Entry #1:

My life as a seasonal corn widow began on Wednesday. This year, Tyler and Chris decided to open up for Memorial Day weekend...JOY! While it's nice to have money coming in again, it's hard to face the reality that I've got 3 solid months to hang with my3 exhausting kids...with...out...Tyler.

So, I had myself a little cry last night.

Tyler asked me why I was crying, and really all I could figure was, I just needed to get it out. There are always tears from the wives during corn season, right Erin?

But now I'm done crying and ready to get on with it again and conquer this summer. Luckily, sister-in-law who is also corn widowed, now lives only 3 houses down from me. So at least we can mourn together.

Buy some corn people and make it worth it for me!!!

The End.


Melanie said...

Paige, you are too funny. Though, I can relate about the widow. Only, I find I am a widow pretty well all year long.

If I lived closer, I'd totally buy some corn so Tyler could take a day off!

Saedi said...

I love you. You crack me up. Wait, is it rude to laugh at someone who is crying? I need to go buy some corn very soon. And hopefully some fruit!

Brenda said...

I hope you and your 'children of the corn dad' survive.

The Mechlings said...