
Birthday Wishes...

December 29, 1975

The blessed day that my dear hubby, Tyler was born (as well as Jon Voight, Mary Tyler Moore and Jude Law--different years of course---just some useless facts, since Tyler loves them).

Now, as most of you know, Tyler is not one who enjoys an abundance of attention, especially on his birthday. Sometimes he throws us off though, for instance, when he called a family meeting last Friday to inform the kids that his b-day was in 3 days and to be prepared, or like last night when he kept asking his niece and nephews if they wanted to give him his presents early. Anyhow, despite these rare instances, Tyler is very low key.

So, to honor him on his special day, I would like each and every one of you readers out there (you too, Mom, Gina, Judy, G&G Jensen!!!) to give Tyler a little birthday lovin'. Here are your instructions:
  1. Compile a modest list of the things that you love about Tyler, favorite memories, most embarrassing moments, or ways he's made you laugh.
  2. Keep the list to about 20 thoughts, anything less would be insulting. If you can't think of enough, please give an explanation (i.e. ran out of time, ran out of memories, etc.)
  3. Please post your list on the comments portion of this post by midnight tonight, MST (Okay, not really, but try to be speedy) For those of you needing instructions on how to post a comment, call a six-year old.
Once the comments have all poured in, I will print and scrapbook them to the best of my ability (which is not that great...see evidence below) for a fantastic birthday surprise!! So, hurry before he reads this!!! If you need some ideas, I will begin the comments with my own thoughts, try not to blatantly plagiarize.

Birthday flashback '99


paige said...

1. Tyler can always make me laugh, no matter how mad I am at him (sometimes, he does have to resort to tickling though).
2. Tyler is sen-si-tive!
3. Tyler is a fantastic dad...his kids adore him.
4. One of my favorite dates with Tyler was when it was corn season and I drove around with him and helped in put watermelons in the bins...see I'm very low-maintenance!
5. Tyler never holds a grudge.
6. I enjoy long drives in the car with Tyler and just talking.
7. Which brings me to, Tyler is a great communicator, total girl!
8. Tyler is an awesome sports fan!
9. Tyler is very smart and always has great business ideas.
10. Tyler is a very hard worker.
11. Tyler is honest with everyone he deals with.
12. Tyler is a baller...just ask him.
13. He is generous
14. Hi is an Eagle Scout!!!
15. He is also an awesome Cub Scout Leader...
16. Tyler enjoys a clean drain.
17. Biggest Jazz fan I know (that wasn't a fat joke, I promise)
18. Tyler is very grounded
19. Tyler can find the positive in everything!
20. Tyler has the best jokes (call him at 2:30 and ask him what time it is, or wear camo and see if he can find you)
21. Tyler has great hair
22. Tyler has an amazing family
23. Tyler has the best wife ever
24. okay, I ran out of time, good bye

paige said...

Oooo, I just thought of a few more...
25. Tyler DOES NOT golf, hunt or fish!
26. Tyler likes girl music--this is very nice for me!

Jons and Celeste Leigh said...

Alright Paige, I think I can brainstorm a few for Tyler's birthday...

1. Tyler always wants me to succeed. For example, ever since I saw Travis Knight (NBA player) at my friend's wedding a few years ago he always tells me to hold out for T. Knight. (Nevermind his baby mama, she will keep him occupied while I spend his money.)
2. Tyler loved to relish in my drama when I was single. He loved getting the updates between "best friend Trent" and "boyfriend Jon". He never could get the two of them straight though, which is why I finally had to just marry one of them so there would be less confusion for Tyler. A little bored by my now simplified love-life, he has now moved on to soliciting "father-in-law stories" from me.
3. Tyler cannot spell if his life depended on it. He makes out a check to me each time he pays me, and for a year and a half, never the same spelling twice. He was somewhat relieved when I got married since "Miller" is easier to spell than "Olsen." My first check as a married woman: Pay to the order of Celeste Millar. I wish I was kidding, but I am not. Trace enjoys spelling my name correctly since his dad cannot.
4. Tyler is a great example to his kids. Except for a few examples I can think of. Like Trace, riding in the corn truck with Tyler after a bunch of melons fell off the flat bed. Trace- "Dad, why did you say 'Son of a b... !!!'?"
5. Tyler is a born entrepreneur. Between keeping Utah families stocked with sweet summer corn, locking in the lowest loan rates for homeowners, keeping lawns green and happy, and taking care of repossessed cars, Tyler takes advantage of many business opportunities. In fact, he even advertised to one of my former "suitors" that he would enroll him in the full-fledged "Tyler's full-proof how to get that woman" program with a 100% guarantee of engagement. The cost- just $1,000!
6. Tyler is a great Bears leader. One time, he asked me to look through the book of lessons for his Bears meeting that night and find one that looked interesting. He immediately followed with, "we've already done the lesson about food." I was shocked, but luckily we found a Patriotism lesson that was perfect for the September 11th meeting for his little Bears.
7. Tyler loves to act tough around Will. (Ok that one was more or less just for Paige's satisfaction more than anything else.)
8. Tyler loves to talk politics. And he knows what he is talking about. We have very similar political views and it was fun to talk about this last election. Together, we now bow down to the impending Obama'nation, conservative tears trickling down our cheeks.
9. Tyler loves to talk sports. Sports were a less depressing subject before the Cougs threw away their dream season though. Its always fun to have another avid Jazz fan around. And despite Tyler and Jon's obvious college football rivalry, we all manage to remain friends somehow.
10. Tyler is extremely funny. He has a great sense of humor. Granted, I don't know all of it, since he has to excuse me from the room before he will disclose some of his jokes... (refer to #7). When I am still in the room, the jokes are usually followed by roaring laughter and then an apologetic, "I'm sorry Celeste." Occasionally, sometimes even his appropriate jokes are funny too.
11. Ok, since my top ten so far have been somewhat saturated with sarcasm, I have to say that Tyler really is a great guy. He's straightforward, honest, hard-working, and generous. I really enjoy working for him.
11. Tyler is a great dad. Every morning when I am there, he always makes sure to get a hug and kiss from his kids before he leaves for work. Despite an occasional slip-up, like taking Sydney's blanket to work, his kids love their daddy!
12. That's all, because I am hungry. And I KNOW Tyler will be able to sympathize with that.

Happy Birthday Tyler!

Lysa said...

1. Tyler always makes me laugh
2. Tyler loves to make fun of Cam
3. Tyler is "bizzaro world" Cam
4. Tyler is a good friend to everyone he cares about
5. Tyler loves insultations
6. Tyler loves to talk about the "oly" memories with me
7. Tyler always has a big smile
8. Tyler always has something sarcastic to say, which i love
9. Tyler has the coolest wife ever
10. Tyler is a great american
11. and he always makes me laugh

Megano said...

Oh Tyler is the man.

1. Tyler is thoughtful! My wedding breakfast was hilarious, and he clearly put time in it... although it was FILLED with sarcastic undertones he ended with on a thoughtful note:)
2. Which brings me to, Tyler is great at public speaking... a talent which I envy!
3. Tyler is hilarious! He always likes to keep things light and make everyone laugh.
4. Tyler is straight forward, he will tell you what's on his mind (this mostly makes me feel bad, but I think sen-si-tive runs in the family)
5. Which brings me to... Tyler is honest. He will always be more then fair. I guess it comes with the straight forward… he wants to be open and honest all the time. Unfortunately that’s a quality that’s hard to find these days.
6. Tyler is motivated
7. Tyler is an AMAZING Dad! He loves his kids so much, and makes an effort to be an amazing father that he is!
8. Tyler is athletic... don't be fooled by the size he is agile.
9. Tyler is a great lunch buddy! He would always make sure to invite me when the title people called to go to lunch.
10. Everyone likes Tyler. On more then one occasion I've had a friend or someone come up to me and say "I freakin love your brother"
11. Stefano just added a couple he says "Tyler makes everyone feel comfortable. He also says Tyler would look killer in a Speedo... just throwing it out there"
12. Tyler can tell a joke the same joke like it was the first time….every time... ie 2:30,camo, and a personal fav of is it d-e-a-f or D-E-A-F... I still don't get it.
13. Tyler knows many many random facts that nobody knows… very informed.
14. Tyler isn't afraid to cry when talking about his family! He loves everyone very much and WE LOVE HIM!
15. Tyler will always talk things out.. he doesn’t want to have harsh feelings between people.
16. Tyler has serious street cred
17. Tyler has always been so generous with us and with everyone else. He never gives a second thought to helping someone out.
18. Tyler found a WAY sweet wife.. Holler Paige
19. Love Tyler!!!!

hOLLIANN said...

Happy Birthday to Tyler. I don't have a long list for you, mostly because I can't count that high, but many a giggle have I received just from knowing you...peeled grapes for one...As for Mary Tyler Moore...I tried closing my eyes to imagine... little frighting...still can't see it...but to each their own...Happy Sports Birthday.