
What's that smell?

If anyone reading this has three kids under the age of four, you can relate. The rest of you will judge me, but I don't care.

Today, I have come out of denial and embraced the fact that I do not shower on a daily basis anymore. It's gross, I know, but true. I wish I had the pleasure of a hot, uninterrupted daily shower. When I do have the rare occasion to clean up, I get to shower with a friend, or two, who always make sure that I'm tripping over them as I'm trying to get soap out of their eyes. So, showers have become quite an inconvenience for me lately, and are, therefore, sporadic.

And what's more, I'd rather have an extra 10 minutes of sleep than a freshly washed head of hair.

I'll leave you disgusted readers and Tyler with this one promise: I will shower once a week, whether I need it or not.


Erin said...

paige i love you. Chris is always asking me if i am going to shower and says i'm a little stinky but i just tell him that its not worth the time anymore!!!! and yes i finally did shower today after like 3 days! love ya

hOLLIANN said...

That is hilarious. You can join my family. They shower twice a day and it still doesn't help - we still stink. Seriously - my bro has a soap for every body part, and yep still stinks! You would be like a bed of sweet smelling roses around our house...and a lot prettier...consider yourself adopted!

hOLLIANN said...

Okay, so I made Reg read the blog...laughing very hard...and he comes from one of those clean non-smelly families. Why don't you live in the hood anymore? It was good in the hood!

paige said...

Ahhhh wonder woman. You make me laugh. obviously since you are ww you probably shower every day!

Megano said...

Oh my goodness..... I have the EXACT same problem with stefano.. he always comes in when I'm showering and squirms around and I have to get soap out of his eyes.... werid. haha!

Laura said...

Paige your crazy and smelly :) though I'm with you! sometimes I opt for the shower and let all heck break loose out the door while I try and relax--last that happened was marker all over the wall--there's always paint right?! Btw AWESOME vacation!! I can't believe that you fit all that fun stuff into one week!!! Bush gardens is so fun but I haven't been since high school and I miss the beach! I haven't heard of the water park--is that near virgina beach or is it up north at all? Everytime I go home I eat at panera bread--but I haven't seen the others--must be a virgina thing (which really is close to WEST virgina and we all know what happens there :) remember I'm from the sophisticated north in Md :~) yeah I somehow escaped WITHOUT any of that sophistication attached to me! Glad your all well and surviving your 3 kids!! Loved all the pics!

Megano said...

There is a MUST see post on our blog.


Stefano (your FAVORITE brother in law)

Unknown said...

Hey Paige, I only have 2 kids 21 months apart and they're 6 years and 4.5 years old and I still don't take showers everyday! Check out my new blog...you inspired me:)

The Mechlings said...

hahaha!!! paige, I have to say, we were with you for 4 days and I thought you smelled fabulous ... well, at least I never noticed that you were stinky, and there were some pretty sweaty days in there!

cAM said...

Paige, I don't cheat, I replace, especially when I get double booked. You're fired!

Kari Ann said...

I think this post doesn't make anyone think you are gross, but instead makes us all feel better about ourselves. Fun trip! Good for you, you needed a break.