
Good-Bye March

Let me be honest, I'm really not sad to see March go. There are a lot of great March events (many birthdays and one very important anniversary), however, I'm just not a fan of the 31 days of spring teasing. It's either snowing or it's 60 degrees and I can't take it no mo'. I'm tired of it. If it snows one more time, I'm packing up and moving to Florida.

Anyway, there's not much to report around here except that my parents left last Wednesday, and we really miss them. Some people have asked me if I'm ready to have my house back and get things back to normal, and my immediate response is, "NO!!! Why would I want that? My mom cooks, cleans, and plays with the kids non-stop. My dad fixes everything that needs fixing and occasionally holds Nash when instructed to do so. Why would I ever want that gone???" Not to mention, I just really love having them around.

Anyhow, here are a few pictures of the kids...I really wanted a picture of them together in their Easter outfits (we blessed Nash in Church on Easter) but, that did not happen, and I won't even go there! I did get a cute picture of Sydney in her dress and Nash in his handsome outfit. Trace will not leave his church clothes on for more than 5 seconds, so it's impossible to get a picture.


Welcome Grandma Weezie and Daddy Ray!

"A house needs a grandma in it."
~Louisa May Alcott

It has been non-stop fun around here since Grandma Weezie came. She has been here for a week now, and we have been having a blast! G.W. has taken over the majority of kid entertaining--from play-doh, coloring, puzzles and blocks, to books, "Go Fish", animals and an obscene amount of Candyland! We have also gone to Jumpin' Jacks, the library and Max and Cheese (and yes, I forgot my camera for all of these special occasions!) Daddy Ray arrived yesterday and already had the privilege of making Trace and Syd his delicious cheese bagel.

Trace and G.W. enjoying puzzle time...looks like G.W. is pretty good at puzzles

I think we've all played enough Candyland to last a lifetime!

What's wrong with Nash?

Not to brag or anything, but I am the architect of that amazing Lincoln Log Ranch. And, yes, I do do parties...did I just say "dodo?" I've been cooped up with kids too long!

Just playin' around! Lookin' good Syd!

I caught Daddy Ray holding Nash. Awwwww

And, here's what Nash has been up to lately...just lookin good and trying to keep clean.

The Easter egg dying madness went down today. What fun! (for the kids)


A Birthday, A Birthday!

Happy Happy Birthday to Daddy Ray! Just wanted to give a little "shout out" to Big Ray who hit the big 6-0 yesterday! I just got some of the pictures from his surprise birthday dinner he had with some of his siblings, kids, and grandkids. We will party some more when he gets to Utah next week. He's hoping that I'll make him a chocolate cake with applesauce--it's his all time favorite! We love you Dad!


Dancing Queen

Last night, Sydney was getting her groove on to the song "Popular" from Wicked. She is quite a talented dancer. Not sure where she gets that from! (Sorry, my videography was not the greatest at times, but I could hardly keep up with her running around!)


Happy Anniversary!

It's hard to believe it's been 9 glorious years since this photo was taken. We have had a great time together and many accomplishments/changes during these fun years! Here's a few highlights of our married life together:

  • We've lived in 3 different cities (Provo, Spanish Fork, and Lancaster, CA-- my personal favorite!)
  • We've bought 3 homes (and still own all three-Yikes!)
  • We've been on many trips with some of our favorite people and great memories:
    • 6 trips to Myrtle Beach (the beach house will forever hold some of my fondest memories)
    • 1 trip to NYC
    • 5 trips with Cam & Erin (Hawaii, California, Myrtle, Vegas and Chicago)
    • 2 trips with the Barnes (Vegas and Cancun)
    • 2 cruises with the Mechlings and 1 trip to Atlantis (very, very fun!)
    • 1 trip with Chris and Erin to Puerto Vallarta
    • Many, many, many trips to St. George!
    • Not to mention the many times I've been home to Virginia Beach!
  • We've gone through a combined total of 6 different jobs (I'm not including corn...that one's just a given!)
  • We've earned 3 degrees together. And, Tyler has earned innumerable licenses :)
  • We've owned 6 different cars...for those wondering we found the Lumina a good home last Christmas. We miss you Lume!
  • We've had 2 brothers go on missions (Way to go Chris and Ben!)
  • We've gained 5 beautiful new nieces and one nephew!
  • We've voted in 2 Presidential elections (and YES, Tyler's voting for Hill-Billary this year) That was a joke, he's actually voting for Ralph Nader.
  • We've had 3 fights (heheehee!) Anyone who's married knows we've never had a fight!
  • We've had 0 major health problems (we are VERY blessed!)
  • We've sold over 5 billion ears of corn...or something like that!
  • And our most important accomplishment, we've had 3 BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN!
  • Can anyone tell me how to arrange the pictures? It's really starting to annoy me!!! This is not how I want my pictures to look, but I'm tired of messing with it!

Trace's new bed!

Yesterday was a fun day for Trace and Sydney! They got to go to Aunt Gina's house and play, plus she took them (and her four kids) to Jumpin' Jacks! Bless her! They were so tired when they got home, so we put them to bed early. Tyler and I cleaned up the kitchen and then proceeded to go watch American Idol. (LOVE IT) As we were heading downstairs, Tyler noticed a sleeping child at the top of the other stairs. Poor Trace, wanted to stay up, but just couldn't do it!