
Who's Ever Heard of This?

I have an inner ear infection...I thought ear infections were for kids, and I didn't even know inner ear infections existed. That is until I woke up yesterday with severe dizziness that made me sick...literally.

So, after a quick trip to the doc's, he diagnosed me with IEI, gave me some meds to ease the dizziness, and I was on my way.

There's only one good thing about being sick...you do get a little extra sympathy and love from those around. Thanks everyone :)

That is all.


[Morgan] said...

i had one last month and thought the very same thing.
the worst.
hope you're enjoying your love and that you get better soon:)

Laura said...

Hope you feel better soon! I had a ton of earinfections growing up but I thought you should grow out of those around age 9...so really how old are you :)! I love the exercise--Harrison always tried to do it with me (well the two times i've attempted this pregnancy...)it is so funny!

Brenda said...

Enjoy hanging out and don't feel guilty! Get better soon.