
A Tribute to the Blanket

Every baby has something they need to soothe them--a pacifier, blanket, stuffed animal, whatever. Trace's love happens to be a baby blue and white striped flanel/satin blanket. Currently, however, the blue and white stripes are unrecognizable, and you probably wouldn't believe that it was once made of flanel or satin.

I knew that this was Trace's soother when he was 4 months old and he started suckling when I put it near his face. Strange, I know.

The beloved blanket starting tearing when Trace was about 2, and I panicked. So, I commissioned a sweet hispanic lady to make another one. Apparently these blankets can only handle about 2 years of Trace's abuse and blanket #2 began to rip when he was 4. I was not about to have another one made, so in desperation, I asked Trace if I could cut a piece off of it for him to have. To my complete surprise, he agreed.

The "blanket piece" as it is now known has been our enemy ever since. Trace carries it with him everywhere (so you can imagine how nasty it is) and at some point took the obsession to an even stranger level--he started sniffing it. Disgusting. Seeing how his blanket was quite large, we have been able to cut off a new square every time he loses one. I'm guessing to date there are about 20 or more missing blanket pieces out there alone, without pigment, and unsniffed.

Well, today I have some possibly very good news. Out of the blue, Trace decided that he didn't need his blanket piece anymore. He has not asked for it once today and by golly, he did not ask for it when I put him to bed at 7:30 pm. IT'S now TWO HOURS LATER AND HE STILL HASN'T ASKED FOR HIS BLANKET PIECE--JUST EVERYTHING ELSE HE CAN THINK OF INCLUDING BOOKS, DRINKS, POTTY TIME, ETC.


Sydney's not afraid to touch "the blanket piece"



When in Spanish Fork, do as the Spanish Forkians do--go to the Rodeo. That's right folks, we hit the 66th Annual Fiesta Days Rodeo last night and loved it! The only bad part was I forgot the camera AND our Wranglers! You can imagine how stupid we felt. We decided to stay even though we were WAY under dressed. We saw the women's barrel racing, bronc riding, steer wrestling, and a really cool dirt bike stunt performed by "The Wild Child". We left the rodeo around 10:15 because there was still no sign of bull riding in the near future. I guess the local die hards like to stay out late. In the car on the way home, Sydney told us that she liked the "radio" but it was too loud! BTW, we took these pics on Ty's phone...

Why are there pirates at the Radio, I mean Rodeo?

***Cute quote from today...Tyler was getting ready for work around 6 am and Sydney was getting ready with him. They showered, ate breakfast, got dressed and then when Tyler told Sydney it was time for him to go to work she said, "Don't go to work Daddy.......I love you!" Awwwww, too cute!


BBQ at the Riverside

Tonight was a rare treat for the Jackson family. Chris and Tyler both had the night off, so we celebrated by going to Riverside Country Club's Thursday night BBQ. We had a great time swimming, eating, visiting, and just having fun!

Trace took his initial jump off the high dive! He is one brave kid. I only took about 50 pictures all in the name of the blog, but I will just share a few highlights.


This is for you Holli! You better have some amazing memory about me!!!

What do you remember about me?

This is a fun thing from my friend Holli's blog - and you don't even have to be nice, but you do have to do #2!

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.



Nash's stats are in, and whaddya know, he's still BIG!

16. 8 lbs (73%ile).
28 inches long (off the charts!)

We now have visions of an NBA all-star boosting us into an early retirement in a few decades. With my unbelievable coordination/athleticism as well as Tyler's speed and cat-like reflexes, he's destined to be a white MJ; we'll start calling him NJ.

He's still such a great baby--easy going, happy and patient with his siblings' continued effort with their baby talk 8 octaves too high. We love you, BIG baby Nash!


Princess For a Day

Happy 3rd Birthday Sydney!

We've had a fun time celebrating Syd's day! We've been talking about it for so long, that she didn't believe it was her birthday when she woke up this morning. She came out to the kitchen table decorated with a fancy princess tableplastic (it's not a tablecloth), and presents. She opened her presents from us and G'Weezie and Daddy Ray. We got her a dress-up chest--which I thought she would love. WRONG. She won't put on a single gown or fake beads. Whatever! We also got her Cinderella figurines, which was a hit, along with the Tinkerbell shirt and princess towel Weezie and Daddy Ray sent. The Tinkerbell shirt says, "Sassy but lovable." So true!

After presents, I blessed Sydney with her favorite breakfast, orange pancakes.
She ate 5 pancakes smothered in buttery syrup which seemed to hold her for the entire day since she couldn't manage to choke down any "dinner"...more on that to come.
Meanwhile, Aunt Erin and cousins Nicole and Cher came over and brought Syd a beautiful balloon bouquet. One special mylar princesses balloon played a cheerful and annoying version of "Happy Birthday" every time you touched it or looked at it. Don't worry Erin, I'll be sure and return the favor!!! Sydney really loved it!
Grandma and Grandpa Jensen also stopped by with a present for Sydney. A new doll and a cute little puppy that went with it. She was thrilled and felt so special to have more visitors.
After Syd's birthday nap we went to Red Robin for supper. When the waiter came to take our order, Sydney kept demanding she only wanted french fries for dinner. Finally, I decided, it's her birthday, throw all nutrition out the window, and I ordered her fries and a milkshake. When her food came, she freaked out because the steak fries were too thick. The shake was mighty tasty though.
To finish up our marathon birthday celebration, we took the kids to see "Kung Fu Panda." Midway through the movie, Syd announced that she was STARVING (wonder why) and wanted a drink and some popcorn. Of course, we got it for her...

Back to rules and regs tomorrow...should be fun!


Happy Fourth of July!!!

IndEpENDeNcE dAy!!!
We had a great holiday weekend...just wish we could have spent more time with Tyler. He was doing what he loves to do, though, getting the corn out to the people of Utah.

First off, we headed to the parade in Provo. This is a Jackson family tradition that I have made fun of for years, but now, brace yourselves, I enjoy it. It's pretty fun to watch the kids enjoying every float, every marching band, every horse (and the horse dropping scoopers behind them), and every "princess" wave. I still actually think parades in and of themselves are dumb, but the Jackson's know how to do it up right...here's how I would describe it:

Plenty of food,
nd then there was some more food
Really really good food
And some drinks
Don't forget the food
Eating when you're hungry is for wimps!!!

Sydney before the donut...
And after

Yes, Target was having red, white, and blue sale we couldn't refuse!

After the parade we had an All American lunch at the Italian Place.

Then naps, then a BBQ at the Jackson's house. It was most delicious!

Next Day: July 5th Grandma Weezie's Day of Birth!!!
Happy Birthday MOM!!!

We love you for so many reasons. You are a wonderful mom, grandma, and friend. We hope you had a great day!
Trace: "I love to do puzzles with Grandma Weezie, and I love to sleepover at her house."
Syd: (just woke up from a nap, will have to get a quote later)

After we called G'Weezie and left her a pitchy happy birthday song on her voicemail, it was off to Riverside for some pool time!!! Just about everyone came, including the amazing Aunt Megan and Uncle Stef. It was great to have them home for the weekend! We miss you guys!


Early to Bed...

Extremely Early to Rise
!!! Why is it that in the summer, when you're supposed to sleep in a little, my children insist on rising as early as the sun. For those of you who don't know what time that is, let me fill you in: 6:00. That is WAY too early for me!!!
(I told them to pretend they were asleep for the picture, so, naturally, Sydney closed her eyes and starting yelling, "Cheese!!!")

I am not a morning person, nor have I ever claimed to be, nor do I ever want to be. I enjoy laying in bed for as long as possible. But, starting at 6-6:30 Nash begins to squawk which leads to Sydney's waking too. Trace usually stammers down stairs around 7 or so and is the last one to enter my bed and start in on me with the, "I'm hungry, I want breakfast now" crap. I hold them off as long as possible until I can't listen to it one more time then lovingly holler "FINE!" I stumble out of bed and pour their favorite sugar-coated cereals. Lately, every morning, Trace announces that he wants what I'm having for breakfast. I have no idea why...maybe I should start eating nasty Grape Nuts...that'll slow him down, in more ways than one.

***Some of you might be thinking, now that I'm getting up so early I should use the extra time to shower...I don't think so, I actually use it to BLOG and Blogstalk.